Don't Wait Until It's Too Late

It's Never Too Early to Plan Your Estate

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Total Family Trust Plan Attorney Serving Highlands Ranch, CO and Tustin, CA

What Is the Total Family Trust Plan?

The Total Family Trust Plan is a comprehensive, proactive Estate Plan for your family prepared by an experienced attorney Bruce Peotter based upon your specific needs, desires and goals. At The Law Offices of Bruce Peotter, Attorney Bruce Peotter will prepare your Total Family Trust Plan for one reasonable flat fee.

The Total Family Trust Plan includes:

✔ Consultations with an attorney Bruce Peotter

✔ A revocable living trust proactively tailored to your specific needs

✔ Advance Health Care Directive(s), including living wills, HIPAA waivers and Alzheimer’s directives

✔ Durable power(s) of attorney for finances

✔ Property deed transfers

✔ Pour-over wills (with guardian instructions and standalone guardian documents)

✔ Trust funding tools and instructions

✔ Free notary for in-office clients

✔ Optional Components to the Total Family Trust Plan:

✔ Inherited IRA Trust

✔ Special Needs Trust

✔ Irrevocable Trusts

Proactively Plan the Future of Your Family

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Getting Started Is Easy.

All we will need is :

✔ Completion of the Total Family Trust Plan Questionnaire that you can get by clicking here. It is a short questionnaire that provides most all of the basic information we need to complete your plan.

✔ Existing estate documents, if any.

✔ Real Property deeds. It is fast, simple and easy.

Free Reviews of Existing Estate Plans

The Law Offices of Bruce Peotter will review your current estate planning documents. You will receive in writing a comprehensive review of your current estate plan. Attorney Peotter has reviewed hundreds of living trusts prepared by trust mills, on-line document companies and other attorneys. Unfortunately, many of these plans have included improper or omitted provisions that could have saved your heirs thousands of dollars and more importantly, did not manage the estate the way the client wanted it managed. Attorney Peotter has developed the Total Family Trust Plan Review to review the strengths and weaknesses of your current plan, but also to truly guide you in the creation of a comprehensive, proactive estate plan that fulfills your hopes, desires and dreams.

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